About Our Founder

CUETC is founded and led by CUETC’s visionary leader, Ms. Roe Gasi, in association with a focused and ambitious board. 

Roe Gasi was born in a small-town called Rimenze,18 miles away from Yambio town in Gbudue State Yambio in the Republic of South Sudan. Growing up in the church, Roe Gasi was a faithful child of God who saw gospel music as a way to grow her relationship with God and spread the gospel. As a young girl, she joined the choir of a local Protestant Church in the town of Rimenze.  She and her sister later left when she was young and went to North of Sudan Khartoum. During the war in Sudan, Roe and her sister fled to Egypt where she stayed for a while working as a bakery assistant in 2002. In 2004, she left Egypt to come to the United States, where she dedicated herself to growing and learning new skills so that she could help improve the lives of her people back home in South Sudan.

To accomplish this, Roe enrolled in Portland Adult Education where she graduated in June 12, 2014. She also studied in All Nations Outreach Ministries-BTCP Institute program, Purdue Global University in Lewiston Maine, and the Empire Beauty School in Portland, Maine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Roe Gasi has been adaptable in her life, working effectively on her own and as part of a team. Her faith to God and foundation in Christ has grounded her. As the Apostle Paul wrote in Phillipians 4:12-13:

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

Roe has been dreaming of singing since she was young girl but did not have the means to fulfill that dream. Despite this, Roe’s motto is: “I am waiting on the Lord until He gets me to reach my dreams.”   Now, Roe is working to help fulfill the dreams of gospel musicians and singers in her home of South Sudan. Roe has always felt a strong calling to serve those in need, especially in her home country of South Sudan.

In 2016, Roe had the opportunity to return to South Sudan Gbudue State Yambio and found a way to help her people through gospel music. That is why she founded Churchill’s Universal Evangelical Training Center.